Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 5, 2014

KLEO – Next level Premium WordPress Theme


Price: 450.000 VNĐ
Mã: HT-051

KLEO – Next Level Premium WordPress Theme

Extremely flexible, Fully customizable Wordpress Multi-Purpose theme to fit your demanding needs.

You no longer need to be a professional developer or designer to create an awesome website. Easily create a stunning community, company presentation or membership website. Let your imagination run wild and create the site of your dreams. KLEO has all the tools to get you started.

Version 1.4.2 has been released. View the changelog

KLEO is compatible with latest Wordpress 3.9 and Buddypress 2.0

Other Features

  • HTML5 & CSS3 & jQuery powered
  • Boxed & Wide versions
  • Theme installation instructions (step by step)
  • Easily build pages with Page Builder – No HTML skills required
  • Child Theme included for easier theme upgrades. Keeps your main theme files intact
  • Clean code. No PHP notices and well documented
  • No core changes
  • Front-end login, register and profile pages
  • Buddypress – Member photos – We have integrated BP-Album so users can easily upload and comment photos
  • Easily show anywhere in the site live data from member profile fields.
  • Make parts of content visible for members only
  • Custom Tabs with carousel & accordion
  • Unlimited sidebars – dynamically create sidebars to use in different pages
  • Integrated with
  • Internationalized – WPML plugin ready, translate your website into any language (also includes the .po and .mo files)
  • Blog section
  • Google Maps integration
  • Post Formats – Image, Gallery, Video, Audio, Aside, Status, Link, Quote, Clasic
  • Widget ready
  • Compatible with Contact Form 7
  • 600+ Google fonts
  • Icon fonts – Fontello (Font Awesome included) – Great for Retina devices
  • 3-level drop down menu
  • Enable or disable breadcrumb & Top bar
  • Retina support – The theme looks awesome on retina
  • XML file with exported data (forums, posts, pages, topics). Before import you have to activate BuddyPress, bbPress and the theme

  • Over 40 inner pages:
  • Registration page
  • Login page
  • Password recovery page
  • Account activation page
  • Group forum page
  • Group single topic page
  • Group activity page
  • Group members page
  • Send invites page
  • Group settings page
  • Group details edit page
  • Member’s activity page
  • Member’s profile page
  • Member’s inbox messages page
  • Member’s sent messages page
  • Member’s compose message page
  • Member’s notices page
  • Member’s friends page
  • Member’s friendship requests page
  • Member’s groups page
  • Member’s groups invitations page
  • Member’s Topics Started page
  • Member’s Replies Created page
  • Member’s Favorites page
  • Member’s Subscriptions page
  • Member’s General Settings page
  • Groups listing page
  • Forum page with bbPress forums and recent topics
  • Forum page with bbPress subforums and recent topics
  • Contact Us page
  • 404 page
  • About Us page
  • Members listing page
  • Activity page
  • Blog page
  • Single blog post page
  • Blog archives page
  • Search page for bbPress (forums, topics and replies)
  • Search page for blog
  • Create a Group page (Details, Settings, Forum, Avatar, Invites)

Easy update using Envato Wordpress Toolkit. This is included in our theme, all you need is to set your username and API key is our smart Admin Panel


Google WebFonts(600+) –

All photos used in preview are not included in the template.

Excellent Support

This theme comes with an extensive help file that explains how to set up every aspect of the theme, however, we’ll be happy to help you if you need technical support or have any question. Dont hesitate to contact us via our support forum.

We usually get back within 12 hours. We try to give our customers the best support possible. Please if you need any help , let us know.

We would also love to see what you’ve done with our work, post or mail the URL to us, please.

Thank you for your interest in our theme, please leave us feedback on TF and if you like it, dont forget to rate it!


Version 1.4.2 – 30.04.2014

- Fixed child theme generated styles override in style.css 
- Small title width fix for Social Articles plugin 
- Fixed BadgeOs admin metaboxes styling conflict 
- Default WP Gallery & Single image attachment restyled 
- Blog posts restyled at lower resolution 
- When registering with Facebook also update wordpress user First name and Last name 
- Buddypress Manage Members restyled
-  Fixed Buddypress Groups breadcrumb title issue and permalink
- Fixed menu search when hitting Enter to go to search results page directly 
- rtMedia PRO styling
- Restyled rtMedia “Edit Media” page
- Top-menu dropdown-menu alignment fix for lower resolution 
- Added Item Likes post types filter

Version 1.4.1 – 18.04.2014

- Buddypress 2.0 & WordPress 3.9 compatibility
- Social Articles plugin is fully compatible. Allow your users to create posts right from their Buddypress profile 
- Woocommerce: 
    Small carousel fix on product page 
    Woocommerce: Small widget overflow fix 
    Woocommerce: Small color reallocation for on sale badges 
    QuickView Modal button style fix 
- bbPress search icon fix

Version 1.4 – 11.04.2014

- NEW: Woocommerce integration. Now you can sell your products using KLEO theme. Product QuickView feature + Wishlist integration + Ajax cart in menu + more options that you can customize from Theme options
- NEW: Added the option to set your content width for one sidebar and two sidebar templates 
- Added two content boxes in Page edit for Header and Bottom content that you can apply to show on each page
- NEW: Buddypress Previous/Next member on each member page now have also avatars
- Usability: Buddypress avatar cropping page - After you upload the avatar the page will now go down to the avatar section
- Membership levels page - Added a distinctive class to each level box so you can style it via CSS if you need
- Profile buddy tab drop menu fix for Safari & Chrome on Mac OSX 
- Membership type now appears in your Buddypress profile
- See Through Button - Applied solid background-color at hover 
- Small fix for incorrect logo height in some cases 
- Fixed row option for full background option 
- Compatibility with Menu Item Visibility Control 
- Fix for header without logo and just displaying site name
- Fixed Membership Restrictions values that do not save in the Theme options panel 
- Fixed Members Carousel in multisite without rounded hover
- Fixed Activity page first avatar a litte bit cut off
- Small CSS fix on Buddypress profile edit page that was appearing only in isolated cases.
- Fixed Facebook Avatar to show for members connected using Facebook 

Version 1.3 – 20.03.2014

- Fix for Blog Masonry display when Featured image was smaller than 480px and wasn't showing
- Fix for Buddypress Activity Video
- Top bar social icons - now are visible on mobile devices too
- Top bar menu - all items are visilble on mobile devices. They are collapsed into a drop down menu
- Fixed Buddypress profile menu icons bug 
- Widget - News thumb fix when using small title 
- Fixes styling for Menu on mobile devices
- Removed Bootstrap request to glyphicons since they are not used 
- Fixed some Buddypress bugs: reply comment alignment on mobile, reposition fav/unfav icon
- Small line-height fix for navbar
- Small width fix for Megamenu 
- Fix for Spotify embeds to be responsive 
- Added rounded option to Members Grid & Groups Grid elements
- Added Word wrap for members directory last update.  
- Small box-shadow fix for iPhone input boxes 
- Fix for Internet Explorer Buddypress profile menu icons showing too big 
- Completetly restyled Mediaelement player
- Fixed menu icons on submenus and hover mobile
- Small HR height fix 
- Small change on top-menu dynamic color 

Version 1.2 – 06.03.2014

- NEW Testimonials post type and Shortcode element + Visual composer element 
- NEW Hosted Videos option for posts
- Added Love button to Social Share section in Single blog entry 
- Show image for Standard post format if the Featured image is set 
- Wordpress Multisite extra styling applied
- Fixed Private message button from Members Directory 
- Small fix for hover-element on members-carousel shortcode
- Safari fix for HR dividers
- HR Dividers optimized for mobile view 
- Safari fix for transparent header
- Fix for Safarai & Chrome menu at mobile version
- Fix for Transparent menu on boxed site version
- Fix scroll for transparent menu on mobile version
- Realigned submenu to right side 
- Fix for rounded members carousel on IE
- Dropdown select restyled - using now css only to avoid extra javascript requests
- Small fix for tab pills color
- Paid Memberships Pro pricing table extra styling
- Fixed members masonry image issue when it was too small 
- Fixed image carusel when used without links
- Fixed Favorite activity bug when not saving favorite post 
- Webm file fix for row shortcode
- Small styling fix for Featured Items
- Small fix for Post Audio timer display on hover 
- Fixed some admin translation problems when using child theme 
- Ordered list fix for Activity entry for Buddypress and related also to bbPress topics when havin "ol" tags
- Label white text fix, legend restyled
- Fixed some Internet Explorer styling issues related to menu and select box
- Fix for rounded members carousel on IE 
- Small iframe fixes 
- Fixed Featured Items Carousel title margin 
- Fixed Featured Items Prev/Next arrows 
- Fixed rtMedia Video controls 
- Fixed Private group display issue when not allowed to access it 

Version 1.1 – 26.02.2014

+ Added Mega menu
+ Logo retina added
- FAV icons changed to follow the logo design which was changed right before the submit of our theme.
- Rebuild color system for: feature items, dividers, buttons, tooltips & popovers
+ More shortcode pages added: feature items, dividers, buttons, tooltips & popovers
- Google Chrome display fixes
- Google Chrome top menu fixes 
- Google Chrome Navbar toggle fix
- Mobile devices fixes
- Buddypress Activity, Groups, Members display fixes
- Top menu fix on Google Chrome
- Changed default colors
- Added styling to PMPRO Levels page
- Wp-login.php logo link to go to home page
- Nav-tabs & Nav-Pills recentered 
- Feature items & container lists are left aligned by default now. 
- Added Responsive visibility option to Row shortcode 
- Added option to disable post media on single pages 
-  Fixed posting activity bug that wasn't showing newly added post until page refresh 
- Fix for Buddypress Activity Load more button 
- Tab shortcode - Added option for active tab
- Fixed some bugs in Accordion shortcode
- Some minor css Carousel changes
- Added  prev/next option to Images carousel 
- Fix post meta displaying wrong in Chrome 
- Fixed Forums - search form icon 
- Fix gallery grid masonry 
- Added Grid Gallery animation
- Fixed sticky header logo flicker on Chrome Browser 
- Empty paragraph fix not to display at the end of the generated section 
- Buddypress - Removed extra padding for members grid listing 
- Google ads fix for sliced images

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KLEO – Next level Premium WordPress Theme
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